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Can I Reverse Cavities?

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Can I Reverse Cavities?

How to Stop Early Tooth Decay Naturally

Having that pain when you bite down? If you think it is a cavity but aren’t 100% sure, visit your nearest dentist in Leicester. One question you could be thinking is “Can I reverse cavities?”

There are ways you can get relief from any pain before your dentist appointment. You can re-mineralise your enamel and halt the decay. If your tooth decay is in the early stages it is possible to reverse it, however, only a dentist can repair tooth damage that is created by cavities.

White Spots – If you notice white spots on your teeth, it is usually a sign that your tooth enamel is weak and that decay is likely.

Natural Remedies

Luckily at this early stage, you can re-mineralise the tooth by using anti-bacterial rinses and toothpaste that contain fluoride and high in calcium – you can always ask our Dentists to recommend the best possible treatments in the lead up to your appointment. You can also increase the amount of calcium/vitamin D in your diet as well as having nutrient-rich foods.

Oil Pulling

Another option to help reverse cavities and help the condition of your oral health is Oil Pulling. It is a lot easier than it sounds and it is simply swilling your mouth with coconut oil for around 15-20 minutes. This may seem like a long time, however, you only need a teaspoon amount of coconut oil not have a mouth full of liquid for 20 minutes.

Coconut oil is known for many benefits from diets to haircare, and now oral care! Your teeth with become plaque free and you may even notice your teeth getting slightly whiter. Within those 20 minutes the oil will bind the bacteria and toxins in the mouth – do not leave it in for longer 20 minutes as the toxins will start to get re-absorbed back into your mouth. Once the 20 minutes are up, spit the oil out, rinse your mouth with water and brush as normal.

Dental Cavity

Unfortunately, once a cavity has formed, only your dentist can repair the tooth.

Depending on what stage the tooth is at, will determine the course of action on the tooth, for example, if your tooth has a hole that hasn’t spread to any nerves inside the tooth, then it can be repaired with a simple out of the cavity and filling.

In more severe cases you may need a Root Canal. We know those two words will fill you with dread as many people believe the treatment is painful or traumatic, but with our high-quality root canal procedure, you won’t be able to feel a thing, it is a simple clean out of your tooth’s pulp. In the worst case scenario, you may need the entire tooth removed and replaced with the most suitable missing tooth replacement such as a Dental Implant or Dental Bridge.

What is Tooth Decay?

You might be wondering, what is tooth decay? Well, tooth decay happens when the bacteria from dental plaque feed off sugary foods and drinks consumed and produce acid. If this builds up on your teeth the acid will begin to dissolve the surface of your tooth causing cavities.

Be Proactive!

You won’t have to worry about the above if you’re proactive about your oral hygiene. You can prevent tooth decay by cutting down on sugary foods and drinks and looking after your teeth ensuring you brush, floss and use mouthwash twice a day, especially after you have eaten. Tobacco can interfere with saliva production and saliva helps to keep your teeth clean, so it would be best to stop smoking as soon as possible.

The most important thing is not to worry! Here at Thurmaston Dental, our dentists will be able to diagnose your symptoms to see whether you do have tooth decay or cavities forming, and will tell you the best course of treatment that is right for you. So if you have any questions on tooth decay, root canals, or need a check-up please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

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