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Charcoal Tooth Powder: The Tooth Whitening Craze

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Charcoal Tooth Powder: The Tooth Whitening Craze

Charcoal tooth powder is one of the latest tooth whitening trends to hit society, but this supplement has actually been around for hundreds of years, if not thousands. We take a look in more detail on what it is, how it’s used and long term goals.

What is Charcoal Tooth Powder?

Admittedly it does sound very much like something that is best kept as far from your teeth as possible but activated charcoal as it is also called, is a component that soaks up chemicals, stains and anything in its path. The charcoal has tiny holes present in its makeup making it more porous as its surface area is largely increased due to these holes. This makes charcoal the perfect substance for things such as water filters.

Activated charcoal is made from carbon-containing material, such as wood. The wood is heated at a high temperature which then created a charcoal compound. This compound is then oxidised (in a process that is known as activation).

How Does Charcoal Tooth Powder Work?

As mentioned above the activated charcoal soaks up stains on the teeth, think of it as lint roller for clothes, it attached to anything it is applied to and then lifts it. So red wine, coffee, tartar, foods, bacteria and other debris is absorbed into the charcoal pores.

How Do I Use Charcoal Tooth Powder?

Really simple, you just brush it or rinse the charcoal tooth powder around your teeth, making sure to reach every area where you want the charcoal to work. Either dip your toothbrush into a charcoal solution or alternately swish with charcoal water by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of activated charcoal into a small amount of water.

Is Charcoal Tooth Powder Safe To Use?

Remember that charcoal is an abrasive substance which means it will be grainy and gritty on your teeth and gums. Because of this, you should only brush or swish with activated charcoal once a week to avoid doing any damage to enamel on the teeth or causing any major problems to your gums.

Are There Any Charcoal Alternatives?

Recently popular brands of toothpaste have started launching charcoal activated toothpastes on the market. These toothpastes have been proven to remove surface stains but not to whiten teeth.

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