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How To Manage Recurring Mouth Ulcers. What Causes Them & How To Treat Them

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How To Manage Recurring Mouth Ulcers. What Causes Them & How To Treat Them

Mouth ulcers can, unfortunately, become a recurring problem for some people. While they are usually harmless and go away themselves they can become extremely frustrating if they return. Mouth ulcers are caused by a few reasons, so it’s crucial to determine them so we can find a suitable treatment.

Causes of Returning Mouth Ulcers

There are a few causes of returning mouth ulcers including:


If your parents or siblings have recurring mouth ulcers, you may also be more prone to their development. There’s research showing that mouth ulcers are partially heritable

Certain foods

According to the NHS Inform site, chocolate, spicy foods, coffee, peanuts, almonds, strawberries, cheese, tomatoes and wheat flour can cause returning mouth ulcers too.

Nutritional deficiencies

 A lack of certain nutrients, such as iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12, can make you more susceptible to mouth ulcers.

Hormonal changes

Women may be more prone to mouth ulcers during their menstrual cycle or pregnancy due to hormonal changes.


Stress can weaken the immune system and make it harder for the body to fight off infections, including mouth ulcers.

Treatment Options For Recurring Mouth Ulcers

Undoubtedly treatment for recurring mouth ulcers depends on their causes. So if you think that stress, hormonal changes or nutritional deficiencies cause your mouth ulcers it’s best to consult the doctor. The following methods can help you speed up the healing and reduce pain:

Topical treatments: Over-the-counter treatments, such as gels, creams, and mouthwashes, can help reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing.

Prescription medications: If your mouth ulcers are particularly painful or frequent, your doctor may prescribe a stronger medication to help manage the pain or prevent future outbreaks.

Dietary changes: Avoiding trigger foods, such as spicy or acidic foods, can help prevent mouth ulcers from recurring. 

Good oral hygiene: Brushing and flossing regularly and using a soft-bristled toothbrush can help prevent further irritation to the ulcer.

Overall, recurring mouth ulcers can be a frustrating problem to deal with. However, by understanding the causes and treatment options, you can better manage your symptoms and prevent future outbreaks. If your mouth ulcers are particularly painful or frequent, be sure to see your dentist or doctor for further evaluation and treatment.

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