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How to Reduce Tea & Coffee Stains on Teeth

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How to Reduce Tea & Coffee Stains on Teeth

Who doesn’t like a nice cup of tea or coffee?

A lot of people can’t imagine spending their day without the aroma of these beverages. They are tasty, with numerous health benefits, but, unfortunately, can cause your teeth to suffer noticeable stains. Coffee and tea are two of the leading causes of stained teeth because both contain tannins; acidic compounds that can get trapped in the crystalised bonds of your enamel. Despite that, you can still enjoy your coffee and tea breaks if you take care of your white teeth.

Today, at Thurmaston Dental, we have prepared a list of the useful tips on how to prevent your teeth from tea and coffee stains.

Have A Glass Of Water

Water can wash some tea and coffee tannins out of your tooth enamel. Make sure you have some water straight after consuming these beverages.

Don’t Forget a Straw

Using a straw can help tea and coffee compounds to pass your teeth without leaving stains on them.

Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth 45 minutes after drinking tea and coffee offers great help in reducing stains, but be careful not to brush straight away. This way, you can remove any trapped tannins and save your brilliant white smile


Flossing is another excellent option for removing residual particles from between your teeth where they can stay, stain, and weaken teeth.

Contact Thurmaston Dental

Thurmaston Dental offers a very effective and convenient way of teeth whitening. We have a few reliable teeth whitening treatments that you’ll find very helpful.

Book your appointment at Thurmaston Dental today and we’ll help you to choose the teeth whitening treatment that is right for you.

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