Boutique Whitening is a professional home teeth-whitening treatment that is prescribed and supervised by your dentist. Fitting around your lifestyle, Boutique Whitening is a convenient and effective way to enhance your smile with great results.
If a Boutique Whitening treatment is right for you, your dentist will start by taking an impression of your teeth. Our specialist lab creates your thin, custom-made dental trays that fit perfectly over your teeth.
At home, the whitening gel is applied to the inside of the trays, which are then worn over your teeth either during the day or overnight. The high-strength formula of the whitening agent can give fast teeth-whitening results in just 2 to 4 weeks.
The whitening effects of the treatment can last for 9 to 12 months depending on your teeth and the duration of your treatment. As whitening only enhances the colour of natural teeth, crowns, veneers and fillings will be unchanged.
Your dentist will advise you on the suitability of Boutique Whitening for your teeth during your initial consultation.
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